Below Above - Mind The Trains

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One word review: Tremendous!

But this cache is worthy of FAR more than a one word review. Where to start.....? You know my friend Sam? The neophyte cacher who boldly completed Cave Troll's Other Lair in her tights? Yeah her. Well she remains unflinchingly trusting and I was able to lie to her about how straightforward this cache was and we found ourselves in the dark and moisty mine. It was gratifyingly easy to... Actually no it wasn't... It was not easy at all to glean a sense of direction or a cognitive map of the place, but bit by bit we managed to piece one together, as evidenced by the fact that we are no longer sat in the dark clinging to each other and drying each other's tears.

We were fine.


Anyway. THERE IT WAS! And we were so distracted by the cache that we failed to look for the interesting historical feature indicated by the key words at GZ. Signed. Took pictures. Walked back to embark on cache number two....

Thanks for the great cache. I did Multi2 with CO last weekend and he's a top bloke. Rah!

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