Published Friday, 14 March 2014 by Jim Cromwell.
Disappointed that it really is trivial to cheat on this cache, as by that reckoning you could make any cache a 5/5 just by suggesting people walk on their hands within twenty feet of the cache... That said, if we discount the DNF on this morning's third visit to a 5/5 near Kidderminster, this was cache one on Tank's Tremendous Weekend of Extreme Caches, and I wasn't going to inaugurate THAT with a cache and dash!
So I swung across, making my hands dirtier than I think they've ever been. Which would not be interesting but for the fact that I was scheduled to put eye drops in my evil-looking conjunctival eyes when I got back to the car. So I rinsed them in the canal. That's ok isn't it?! There's no diseases in canals. Like... Weil's Disease. Meh.
Anyway. Lush. Thank you. Why not shove a magnet in it and put it in the middle of the bridge?
Published by Jim Cromwell.
More of a free-climb than I was expecting. Which made my arborist harness, 60 metre rope, and helmet, look a tad overkill. Still, I'm a MAHOOSIVE wuss about climbing down trees. I'll squirrel up 'em to outer space if necessary, but I'm a huge Jess coming down again, so I towed a rope up and leapt down on a zig-zag. It was there...
Easy find once up. Spotted it from the ground in fact, though I wasn't certain until getting up there. Then a quick I sign.
Thanks for the cache.