A Bridge Too Far


Where to start......?!

Well... We arrived at GZ, knew what we were up against, and had it all planned so we could quickly, efficiently, and unobtrusively hop over, grab it, sign it, and put it back. We eyeballed it from a vantage point to identify the optimal point at which to launch, and then I tied off a rope and flicked 10ft of business end through the gap and down towards the water.

"Well, that's the cache floating away then."

"Ha ha! Nice one."


"Christ! There it is! You were serious!"

And lo, we watched the little floaty swine bob merrily and agonizingly slowly down the bloody river. God knows how I hit it.

Mrs Wizbit went off down the bank to see if she could fish it out were it by some miracle to drift away from the centre line of the river. Only when it was virtually out of sight did it drift slowly behind a tree obscuring our view from the bridge, but we could see Mrs W's stick reflected in the river jabbing, jabbing, prodding, teasing the jar towards the bank.

We could hardly see a thing.

However, we DID hear the loud crack and splash and the suspiciously large circular waves emanating from her location.

"She's gone in..."


Hmm...! Mr W tried to raise the intrepid Mrs on the radio while I shot off downstream with the rope just in case. And there she was! Soaked to the skin having snapped a branch that was a good eight inches in diameter but, with hindsight, quite rotten, and gone straight in the river.

She had the cache though! Soaked the radio and her phone, but had the cache and, frankly, that's what counts...!

So back we went, we signed, we tied off and we put it back.

It was quite the adventure. And we didn't need to carry out the plan formulating in my mind as we watched it sailing away, which was to buy a jar of jam and notepad in the petrol station, chuck the jam down the loo, wash it out, dry it with loo roll and New Cache...... Just as well really, it was workable, but weird and stupid.

Thanks for the adventure. I had a great time. Time will tell what Wizbit100 writes in her log.....

Thanks for the cache..........

(Not my picture)

Beastleytoo !!!



It took me a long time to not find the launch point, then Mr Wizbit100 took 90 seconds! A quick look at the image gallery confirmed the somewhat claustrophobic dive-point and we rigged up.

Mrs Wizbit took the first descent, found the cache in the only intuitive place, signed, and continued to the bottom. It was only as I had descended half way that she radioed in to announce that the field at the foot of the drop contained half a dozen large and rather intimidating bulls. Meh! Girls are so soft.....

So I signed off and posed for a celebratory photo, and rapelled down to Bull City.

Whoa! I take it all back. Them's some badass bulls! One even bellowed and kicked up dust with its head down..... I thought that only happened in cartoons! So I, er, ran to the second gate (they were guarding the first, sensible, one) and hopped over for the long walk back up, during which Mr W indulged in a breakneck Mach 5 rapelle.

This whole series from Hamish up to here has been absolutely fantastic. Thanks SO much Cache-U-Nutter for everything. For setting it all up in the first place; for not archiving the lot when you moved away; for maintaining it all; for retrieving, hiding, and telling me where you'd hidden the sunglasses I dropped and abandoned at Tip Toe Wall(!); and for the prompt, friendly, and clear help along the way.

An absolute favourite and a Definite Recommend.

Thanks again!

Several Species Of Small Furry Animals


Again, excellent!

It took us a short while to find the correct launch point, but it was soon found and confidently so thanks to the clear hint. I took first descent, and that's where's the Curious Series Of Events occurred. About two-thirds of the way down I found a small cache container identical to that in Have You Seen My Baby, with a Furry Animals log sheet and a log from Cache-Eh dated 15/06/12... A little further down I found a container as identical as I can imagine to that in the container image in the gallery (image dated 2011) with a replacement log from Cache-Eh and others, dated (I think) later than 2012.

Twilight Zone.....

I signed both! (Having chatted to CO, I've removed the small old container.)

Neither had the further information we expected, so thanks very much to Cache-U-Nutter for the relevant facts.

Another winner. Thanks for the cache.

Have you seen my baby?


A quick find with Mr and Mrs Wizbit100. It would have been quicker, but Mr Wizbit checked all but one part of the initial location. A repeat visit soon had it in hand...! ;O) I like the container. Neat idea.

Thanks for the cache. Onwards and upwards.


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