Tip Toe Wall, Warming up for the BEAST !!


So I'd planned to come up to t'smurk to try for the caches leading up to Beastleytoo... But realised yesterday that if I abandoned my family TODAY to the Pompeii exhibition I could probably knock off a few to give myself a fighting chance of nailing Beastleytoo for my 2000th....

If anything I thout I'd get as far as Slither today, but now having the coords for this one, it was hard not to resist just going for a little peek. And then, inevitably, once there, it just stared at me, like a big tank-sized Venus flytrap. Beckoning me in.

So I spent about forty minutes chucking my throwbag towards the Useful Structure At Height, until YES! It's there! But... Hang on... It's not coming back... It's... Oh. Gone forever. Tied neatly to the structure about 60m up. No amount of yanking, plucking, stamping on, or begging moved the line off of its captor or the throwbag off the ledge. Very irritatingly, because I hate littering gear, I had to cut the throwline and abandon it. I cut as high as I could. PLEASE if the next person could get up there and dispose of it, there's a 10oz throwbag up there for you. Also, as a special thank you, there is an expensive pair of sunglasses on the ground on the other, less accessible, side of the structure which, by the time I'd got up there, with sunstroke, having forgotten my cameraphone, and having tied my rope to the dodgy gate and gained the attention of several passers-by, I just bloody abandoned. I'm not sure how I'd have got them anyway since my anchor was that side.


Anyway... Cache signed! Info for The Beast painstakingly copied out (thanks to no phone). And no chance of finding the Have You Seen info having only an anchor at ankle height and no idea where to start looking because of that. I will be back!

Thanks for the cache.

[I rescued the throwline the following week.]

(Not me.)

Slither !


So I'd planned to come up to t'smurk to try for the caches leading up to Beastleytoo... But realised yesterday that if I abandoned my family TODAY to the Pompeii exhibition I could probably knock off a few to give myself a fighting chance of nailing Beastleytoo for my 2000th....

Oh yes...! Pleased that I was familiar with the rough area of the cache, as now revealed, I sped off towards the increasingly blazing sun. Finding the key indicator at GZ was quite tough, and inevitably just as I sat down to beg a hint from CO there it was staring me in the face! Hooray! Then it was a rappelle down and stroll back up the, er, rock face.

Thanks for the cache.


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