BA- The White Bird


Well, today was my final visit to the BareClawz five, to tidy up the final two - White Bird and Fallen Monarch. Purely by chance I have managed to do them in entirely reverse order.....

Today I had my old schoolfriend LobsterBoy with me for his first caving experience and White Bird truly is an excellent introduction to the caching underworld..... After the initial letterbox entrance it was a relatively straightforward in and out for the find. It did take us a while to find the Usual Symbol because we'd simply not travelled far enough. Once we found it it was nice and strong and the cache was quickly in hand.

Excellent. Thanks for the cache!

Below Above - Fallen Monarch


Well this was truly tremendous. After a rather pathetic start traipsing around the woodland looking for the correct entrance and finding another entrance twice, we elected to go for that instead. It does not look safe and I wouldn't recommend it, as the cache owner indeed stipulates, but, well, I'm a dick. Go figure.

We became misplaced on a couple of occasions, but it was trivial to reorient ourselves. Plenty of exciting historical artefacts to be found such as tools and hoof prints, old (and new) graffiti, and The Tremendous Crane. Will post pictures from home as they are locked into the half-decent camera at present. Hopefully they are ok as I really want a record of this excellent location.

I grew up around here and spent New Year's Eve every year of my childhood in the building opposite. I'd seen the tools on the wall and the photos on the wall, but never even knew where the mines were, let alone ventured inside. Completely brilliant.

Found easily with LobsterBoy for his second cache find. This was my final cache of the BareClawz Below Aboves (I think, unless I've missed something) and it's with a rather heavy heart that I will not be able to do these for the first time ever again....! Oh well. I'll just have to come back for fun and grab a church micro or two nearby....!

Thanks BareClawz. For accompanying me around the gargantuan Multi2, for bringing me back to my childhood haunts, for being incredibly supportive with the decodes, for the friendly advice, and for being an all round great bloke. I'm just sorry about Ermintrude...! I hope she gets better soon.


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