Church Micro 5534...Devoran - Methodist Chapel

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Well, this is why I hopped out of bed and drove down here from Exeter at sick-in-the-head o'clock.

I knew this would require a beefy tide to take the Terrain rating down a peg or two, and dawn today was a nice meaty 5.3 metres. 'Ansum, as CO would no doubt bafflingly say.

The problem with dawn is that the water ain't half cold! That, plus the fact that I am always too stupid and lazy to change out of my dry clothes and just trust fate that the swell or the depth at either end will look kindly on me, made the exercise trickier than it needed to be. (I've fallen foul of this 'strategy' before... ending up in Hayle M&S wearing nothing but a towel and a cagoule.)

You live and (not) learn.

Happily, the tide this morning made the retrieval a piece of cake, for which I am utterly grateful. And the puzzle? Least said the better. Solved it on my phone last week.

Thanks for the cache Howard. Don't worry about the rating. There are people who complain that 40m rope ascents up dead trees "aren't 5/5". You can't please all of the people all of the time. The way the handy rating system works currently, it's definitely a 5/5 on paper. It's worthy in my eyes even on a spring tide. And is definitely a 5/5 on any less.

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