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12/12/2013 DNF

Gutted! I knew chances were slim on a slippery night-time jaunt, but it was my only opportunity! Back in summer I guess...

14/02/14 DNF


Second visit. This time with the rare benefit of daylight for me in this location, having done everything else round here before dawn on various occasions. Sadly I was also contending with gale force winds, icy rain, and very stirred up and muddy water which I suspect might be critical, though previous logs suggest it needs wading, does not need wading, is seen best from below, and is best seen from above....!

Today it was simply no dice. I was alone, the tree was very slippery, and although I was all over it with various combinations of webbing and ropes I could not get my hands to where I wanted them in order to find this ABSURDLY HUGE CHEEKY CACHE CONTAINER!

I'll inevitably be back I guess! Hopefully when it is warmer, drier, and perhaps again in daylight with luck.

15/02/14 DNF

Didn't find it again!

This time with: 1) Help 2) Clarification of help 3) Further helpful details 4) Offer of PAF 5) Live PAF help in situ 6) More PAF advice 7) Even MORE PAF advice 8) Sarcastic comments.

I'm not saying it's not there. But it's not where I was...

And I was there.

If CO fancies walking his dog along that bloody limb sometime, I'd be delighted to hear his humbled apology that it was indeed missing...(!)

Not that it is.

I'm adding a fave anyway. For the challenge.

16/02/14 Sarcastic note from CO

Not sure whether it's noticeable at all but it has been a bit damp of late and the level of the water has risen somewhat?

In today's condition this cache would be more aptly named leg in the water unless you have the benefit of prior knowledge and carry the correct kit as I did on this occasion. Enough said.



21/02/14 Note

24/02/14 Note from CO

Fantastic - tremendous - remarkable - great - terrific - striking - impressive - outstanding - phenomenal

A cacher with tenacity persistence, pertinacity, determination, perseverance, doggedness, tenaciousness, single-mindedness, strength of will, firmness of purpose, strength of purpose, fixity of purpose, bulldog spirit, tirelessness, indefatigability, resolution, resoluteness, resolve, firmness, patience, purposefulness, staunchness, steadfastness, constancy, staying power, application, diligence, assiduity, sedulousness, insistence, relentlessness, inexorability, inexorableness, implacability, inflexibility.

I have placed you on my friends and family list and increased my mobile text plan in order to cope with your next visit which i look forward to. Your sense of humour at least, should be rewarded.

08/03/14 FOUND by pedro uk...!

14/03/14 DNF



I have literally lost count of the amount of times I've been here. I can clearly remember four, but there could easily have been more. It's not been my finest hour. Indeed, it was only this last couple of visits that I realised you can park in the sawmills car park and walk straight there, rather than park at stage one of the old I Dare You cache and walk from there...!


I knew the location from the previous Arboreal Adventure, and confidently scuttled out there on visit one for a quick look, which turned into a long, laborious, fingertip search of every knot and branch despite knowing the size of the container.

A review of the logs and visit two or three involved a worm's eye view of every branch, followed by a rope ascent into the high branches to look down, because some Charlie had logged that it was easier to see from above...

Two visits ago I was literally flown in from the tower, with CO texting me directions and me sending photos with exasperated captions.

Between then and last time, he gave me clear and unambiguous directions which I then followed with my carefully crafted extraction device (and galloping conjunctivitis, which is another story involving A&E and dangerous driving...) and felt around EXACTLY THE PLACE I LOOKED TODAY and found absolutely nothing...!

What's WRONG with me...?! It must be missing. I told him so.

After this, CO - who must have grown to either hate me, or pity me like a helpless newborn mouse - sent me a series of three photos which a) proved the lie to my confident assertion that it was missing, and b) provided essentially a three-panel photo story of where to look, how to get it, and how to breathe and see simultaneously, for God's sake...

So today, with my device and wellies once again, I stomped off down the hill and along the oh-so-bloody-familiar limb and, this time, before even getting solidly into place, I could see EXACTLY where it was - and grabbing it, signing and replacing was a mere formality.

Less than a minute from shore to shore.

5/5 number 93. And I've managed to make this the hardest one I've ever done!

I. Hate. You.

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